* Almost perfect emulation of timing of all Spectrum machines * Is the only emulator for machines: ZX-Uno, Chloe 140/280, Prism, TBBlue and Chrome * Spectrum models: 16k, 48k (English and Spanish), Inves Spectrum +, Spectrum 128k (English and Spanish), Spectrum +2 (English, Spanish and French), Spectrum +2A (English and Spanish), Spectrum +3 (English and Spanish), Microdigital TK90X (Portuguese and Spanish), TK95
* Runs on any Unix system and Windows: tested on Linux x86, Linux x86_64, Linux Raspbian, Mac OS X, Windows native, Windows + Cygwin
ZEsarUX is Open-Source and runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. ZEsarUX is a ZX Machines Emulator for Unix, including: ZX Spectrum ZX-Uno ZX80 ZX81 Z88 Jupiter Ace Chloe 140 SE, Chloe 280 SE Prism Timex TS 2068 Amstrad CPC 464.